Nityaga Health AI

Software system for e-clinics. It powers end-to-end operations for these clinics, right from registering a patient into the system to sending prescriptions to pharmacy and diagnostic lab partners.

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The attendant at the e-clinic can collect the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) of the patient. Based on this EMR, the patient can get consultation from a remote doctor using the telemedication feature. A doctor can view the patient’s EMR and EHR* (Electronic Health Record) during this call. The doctor can e-prescribe medications and diagnostic tests-- electronically signed by the doctor**. All of the patients data, including EMR, EHR, tests, prescriptions can only be accessed by the patient. For an attendant to access the patient's data, for adding a new EMR or for connecting a patient to tele consultation call, the attendant needs patient’s consent via otp. The system has the following three apps.

*A collection of many such EMRs for a patient is called EHR.

**Doctors signatures are secured with advanced otp verification.

About the app

Quick Onboarding

Rapid Tests

Manual Entry Flexibility

OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

Medical cameras, Bluetooth and USB integration

Friendly Support


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+91 98339 07302